Creating Video and SWF from the
Same Movie File
Once the movie was laid out and proofed on the timeline
it was saved as an ImageMatics Movie (MPX) file.
First we selected Make SWF Movie from the file menu
and create the SWF movie shown on the left. Then
without changing anything, we selected Make Movie File
again under the File menu.
To make this movie we used all the default settings and
selected uncompressed codec. The result was an .AVI
file without sound.
We then added the same sound .WAV file in the SWF file
to the AVi using the "free" video editor that came with the
computer's CD ROM burner. This was also saved as an
uncompressed AVI file.
Next MS Media Encoder (ver 7.1), a free download for
Microsoft was used to create a WMV file using their MPEG4
codec. The original AVI file was 122 Megs (wow) and
the resulting Mpeg4 file was 577K a huge compression