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Digital Slide Show software
Slide show transitions
Phot slideshow software
Flash slideshow
Image slide show creator
Slide show with sound
Flash web authoring
Slide show navigation menus

Slide Properties - Show Tab

The Show Property dialog (Tab) controls the duration of the appearance of each slide and provides access to the Pan and Zoom functions..  The Show Property dialog tab is displayed below.

The Motion area in the dialog box determines how the slide is to be displayed.

The choices are:

  • Still  The slide is displayed without any Pan or Zoom effects

  • Pan Selects the Pan Effect which is described on The Pan Effect page.

  • Zoom Selects the Zoom Effect which is described on the Zoom Effect page .

The Slide Time Drop-Down Box sets the duration of the slides appearance.  Three preset times Slow , Medium and Fast are provided and Exact which then allows the user to set the exact duration of the slides appearance in the box marked sec. (seconds) on the right of the Time selection.

The preset times are:

  • Slow 3 sec

  • Medium 2 sec

  • Fast 1 sec

  • Exactly The time is set in seconds in the Second text box to the right of the Time selection  pull down menu.

The Apply To selection list offers the standard choices what to apply the Slide Timing to.  The choices are Current Slide, Selected Slides and All Slides.  With the option of also specifying New Slides added afterwards.