
Frequentley Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How do I register the product? Registration of the software is done through the product. When you enter the product you are prompted to purchase or Register Purchase may be selected from the Help menu. Once you purchase the software you are sent a con.formation e-mail. The e-mail contains your Number and the e-mail address you used when you purchased the product. Select the choice Yes, I have an E-mail receipt from ImageMatics. then click Next, you will see two text entry boxes. Fill in your order number and the e-mail address you registered under (where your receipt was sent to) and click on Next. You will get a message saying you are registered. If you get an error it could be because the information hasn't found its way into our system yet. Give it a couple of minutes and try again. If problems persist contact Support. For detailed registration information click here.
- Can I get a second copy for my lap top or for replacement? Yes, your order number and e-mail ID are good for two registrations. If you buy a new machine or need to reconfigure and customer service will issue you a new registration without any hassle.
- Is this an upgrade of the current StillMotion Creator Standard Edition: No its not. for every digital imager. It uses a standard MS user interface and is designed to quickly build slide shows for sharing on Web pages, screen savers, stand alone players and also produces SWF files for the advanced user. It has no video component.
- What is the difference between PE(+) and WD(+)? WD and WD+ contain all the features of PE and PE+ respectiveley with the addion of Web, and CD authoring fuctionality. WD lets you create navigaion menus, create multiple show CDs, addlinks to slides etc. Check the product comparaison matrix for more info.
- Will imported SWF files rneder into video? No the won't be created as a video. You ca use a third party SWF to video converter if you need a video movie with includes embedded .
- Are my movie files (.flk) compatibabel across the versions? Yes. WD products accept all PE movies files. PE versions will read all WD files and ignore the the WD funtionality.
- Will the new version work with my old slide show files? Yes all PE and WD products are forward compatible but are not backward compatibel. Shows created with new versions can not be edited on older versions.
- What is a recomended codec for creating DVDs? We provide a download( CLICK HERE ) that does a great job. Its named, appropriatley, PE DVD, When you go to publish Load it with the editor and you are all set. You an then see all its properties.
- Does it run on the Mac? No, but the Web pages and SWF files you create can be viewed on a Mac or Linux / Unix machine.
- What types of image files can I use? JPG (jpeg), GIF, WMF, TIF, TGA, PSD and BMP
- How can I create a full screen presentation? When you go to Publish you will be asked if you wish the show to appear in full screen. Both the Stand-alone viewer and the Preview viewer have full screen buttons.
- How Do I get Sound to Loop (repeat for the length of a show)?: You can get a song to loop for the entire length of the show as follows: Load the song (sound file) into the first slide in the show. Use the Sound Tab in Slide Properties to do this. Under Time set to Repeat Continuously . We admit this is not as obvious as it should be.
- How can edit sound files and change thier formats and properties?
Here is a link to Audacity, a free open source (and excellent) sound editor.
- The WMA Sound file I ripped with Windows Media Player won't play MS Enables Digital Rights Management which won't let you use the WMA file you ripped to work in any program intended for file sharing. To get around this , (in Media Player 10) 1) go to Tools - Options. 2) select the Rip Music tab 3) In the Rip Settings area, uncheck the "Copy protect music" box.
- Why do my dissolves slow down if i work with big images? The dissolve effect uses a lot of computer power. For large image sizes older PCs may slow down on this effect. Use another effect in its place if this is a problem.
- What type of sound files can I use? MP3 and WAV, stereo and mono.
- Can I have more than one sound track? Yes, you can have a master soundtrack as well as a unique soundtrack for each slide.
- Can I get the product on CD ROM ? Yes! Just add it to your order at purchase.
- Why won't my Auto-Play CD ROM work? Many CD ROM drives do not recognize extended file names. Do not use spaces or special characters in the name for your CD ROM. Example: My Show will not work while MyShow will.
- What if I change Computers? Contact Support, send us an e-mail with your order number and your e-mail and we will enable your new machine. You can use your current registration for one move.
- I got an pic.Draw failed 0" Error message? This error comes from Win 98 versions when large images (over 2k typically) are used. You will get a black thumbnail. The image will be shown in your slide show. To fix the problem we strongly suggest upgrading your OS or reducing the image size (large images are not needed for slideshow applications.
- My slide show stops after some number of slides but the sound keeps playing . PE uses Flash which will only play automatically to 16000 frames. The default frame rate is 30 frames a second. If you reduce this number you can play more slides. If you do not use transitions you can reduce this number to one which will let you play thousands of slides. At 12 FPS you will still get good transitions and 444 slides at 3 seconds each. Frame rate does not effect sound.
- How can I combine slide shows or edit between them? There are two easy ways to do this. First, simply save the portion of your current slide show you are interested to the clipboard using Copy. Then load in the show you want to add the slides to and Paste the images in the Slide Sorter View where you want them to appear. The Second method is to open multiple copies of PE, load the shows you want to cut merge and drag and drop the slides between the open shows.
- How can I show the filenames in a slide show? The default name for each slide is its filename. Go to the the first (or any slide) in your show. Go to the Label tab under Slide Properties . Select Include Label, then under Apply to: click on Apply to all slides. The file name will now be visible in each slide.
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