Working With Third Party Flash Tools
ImageMatics Products all produce industry
standard Flash (SWF) files as their output. The ISMC Plus
and Pro Products also output video (AVI) and QuickTime (MOV).
ImageMatics's SWF output can be used with any software product
that can input an SWF file.
Macromedia Flash MX represents the basis of
much Flash development but requires a very long leaning curve,
programming skills and lots of patience. It is also
relatively expensive.
In these sections we will show you what can be
done with other third party SWF tools.
We will show you how using third party products you can create
sophisticated multimedia web pages and applications with lots of
interaction without having to suffer through learning Flash.
We will show you examples created by us and our users (this is
how we learned about many of these applications) and will be
continually adding to this section.
Applications will include composting (layout) and splicing
Flash files (a solution for the 16000 frame limit of Flash
files), creating text effects, template driven page creation and
alternatives to using MX.
Click on the links and you will see examples made with PE and
the ISMC product working together and as part of applications.