Sound Features
ImageMatics' new products all include extensive sound publishing capabilities with a very easy to use interface.
Here are some of the things you can do with a few menu clicks:
- Master background sound track with multiple song play list
- Easy Play list editing
- Sound Looping
- Controllable fade outs
- Easily synchronize music to slide changes with automatic timing
- You select the slides where the music will change
- Selectable fade-ins and outs
Add narration to slides
- Have the duration of the slide automatically timed to the length of the narration
- Control the foreground and background relative volumes (mix level)
Associate sound files with specific files, by duration, loop or have them play to the end of the show
- You can control the sound quality and file size full fidelity disk production down to low bandwidth streaming applications
All sound is fully synchronized to the slide events and actions and will stay that way for the entire movie.
In all Plus versions sound is automatically included in the video files produced.
Both WAV and MP3 file formats are supported.
To find out how more about how these fetures workclick on the links below:
Slide Show Sound
Slide Sound