Preloader Properties - Preloader Style Design
Choice of color, style and typefaces may be selected from options available on the Preloader tab. The screen shot below shows a preloader create using a Title Page (the company contac information and phone number are on the title page), Progress Bar, with text placed at the bottom. (The VCR controls shown at the bottom are Created from the Web Show properties tab)
The Progress Style panel shown on the right, provides the progress bar style and attributes. The selections are:
- None: No progress bar is generated
- Text Only: The Loading percentage message is shown with no progress bar
- Smooth Bar: Both the progress bar and the progress percentage are displayed.
Click on the image for a preloader demo.
The Progress Option panel, shown below, provides control of the display attributes, position and size of the progress bar.
The Text Style drop down menus provide four options for the preloader text percentage display:
- None: No text is displayed
- Text above bar: The text os placed outside and above the progress bar
- In the Bar: The text is placed in the progress bar (as in the figure above)
- Text below the bar. The text is displayed outside and below the progress bar.
The Bar Color pull down menu is used to select the color of the progress bar from a list of preset colors. A Custom option selects a standard Windows color editor for the creation of a custom progress bar color.
The Position drop down menu provides five choices for where the progress bar will appear. they are:
- Top - The very top
- Upper - Upper third
- Middle - Vertical center
- Lower - Lower third
- Bottom - very bottom
The Size drop down menu provides three choices. they are small, medium and large.
The Font panel controls properties and the alignment of the type face.
The Typeface Drop-Down menu provides a list of all TrueType fonts available on the PC. You should expect to see dozens of selections when this Drop-Down menu is selected. These fonts are provided with your Windows operating system.
To select a desired typeface click on the Typeface Drop-Down menu and then click on the type face you wish to use. As soon as a typeface is selected all the text in the slide is changed. The Text Drop-Down menu provides a selection of standard typeface sizes. Click on a size selects it and causes all the text to be changed to that size. The typeface size may also be typed into the Text box and may be an size up 99 points.
The Color Drop-Down menu selects the text color from a standard list. The last value, Custom provides access to a standard color selection dialog that provides for creation and saving and selection of any of the available 16+ million colors supported by 24 bit images.
Standard Bold, Italics and Drop Shadow buttons the choices which are applied to all the text on the slide. The Drop Shadow creates an anti-aliased (blended) outline that adds visibility to the text over complex backgrounds. This is highly recommended for video output.